Saturday, October 8, 2011

Love of my life....late night rambles.

Here I sit at 2:30 am listening to the song Randy sang to me at our wedding. It was the only time I cried during the whole wedding/ reception. I sat there filled with a flood of emotions as that beautiful voice came from a beautiful man, inside and out. I was amazed those word of love were for me Yes me! I could feel in my heart that he meant each and every one.I am still not certain what about me captured his heart...but I'll take it!  It wasn't long ago that I was just one of three hundred listening to him sing. I can still picture it in my head, him standing on stage in the high school auditorium wearing his deputy uniform; me sitting in the crowd. Even then I thought he was beautiful, on the outside ;). This was how it was for several years. I listened to him sing at varies times at different events in town. Each time I admired his beautiful voice and his handsome face. This went on until I left for college. It was a wonderful year but I didn't have a chance to make it to any town events, because of this I didn't get to hear Randy sing. You could say the summer after my freshman year of college was the beginning of what lead to that day where he sung just for me. I was working nights as a Certified nurses aide at the hospital. An ambulance came in with a person who had been in car crash. Randy had followed the ambulance to the hospital to make sure everything was okay and to get a statement from all involved. The ER staff came to evaluate the patient. It was late but at this point there was nothing he could do but wait. He approached me and asked  me if it was possible to get a cup of coffee. I said of course and stared to walk away to go make some. Instead of waiting for me to bring it too like everyone else, Randy followed me to the kitchen. He introduced himself and said I don't believe we have ever met. I answered that no we had not...all the while smirking and  thinking "but I know who you are Mr. Sexy cop."  He chatted with me while I made the coffee. I handed it too him and waited for him to walk back down the hall so I could go about my business. (not that there was much going on at 1 am) Instead he just kept talking and talking and taking.  The whole time all I could think was omg he is really talking to me. Eventually he left and I didn't see him again for another month. The next time I saw him  I was working and one of the other law enforcement officers stopped by and was visiting with the hospital staff. 15 min later. I swear the whole force was up there deputies and police officers. At least six of them, including Randy. It struck me as odd at the time but I shrugged it off. They stayed for a good half hour. I walked with Randy down the hall to the emergency room doors and watched him walk away. Many months later I found out the first cop that arrived at the hospital had texted Randy and told him that I was there.The other cops came up so it didn't look still did. Ha! A few weeks after that I left for college without seeing him again. A month or so later I was surfing facebook and I saw that he had commented on one of my friends statuses. I intentionally commented right under his comment so it would send a notification to him and he would see my profile in hopes that he would add me. My plan worked he added me. I was thrilled! We instant messaged for quite a while he said his fingers were getting tired and asked it was okay if I gave him my phone number and he called me. I gave him my number, he called and I answered. We started talking and all I could think was omg even this guys voice is sexy. Which made me nervous so I just rambled on and on. We ended up talking for a few hours until neither of us could stay awake any longer. After getting all I could think about was how easy he was to talk to and share things with.  The next day he texted me a picture of a moth he thought was cool.. Later I learned just to strike up a conversation and from that day on we talked everyday. The first time I hung out with him he made me watch youtube videos of Kimbo Slice but I didn't care because I was with him. Every time I made it back to my home town I would stop by and see him. Over Christmas break I came home. Randy was acting really strange but I just brushed it off. And then one night out of the blue I got a text message that said. I need to tell you something but you have to promise it won't change our friendship. I was thinking what the heck....but texted back ok. He texted back I fell in love with you. I read it and couldn't believe what I saw so I read it at least five more times. If you know me we well then you know I am not great at expressing emotions so I texted back "I can't say I don't feel the same way"  A little over three months later we got engaged. A little more then a year after that we got married. Randy still sings. He raps when he's being funny. Sings pop songs when he's being silly and he mindlessly sings love songs when he's getting dressed and doing chores. Still every time I hear his beautiful voice it melts my heart and I can't help but think back to when I was just one of three hundred. Then I thank the lord he's mine.

Friday, October 7, 2011

My first blog in a series of...we will see how many.

I decided to give blogging a shot. In the last month all the changes I have made in my left have left me with some time to spare. Who am I kidding a lot of time to spare. Ha! I don't have children, so I can't write about them. I don't have a job, so I can't write about that. The only class I am taking is Spanish and I can't write in Spanish. If I could I might be doing better! Ha! I haven't made any friends here yet, so I can't write about them. Anyway on to what I DO have. I have a husband. Two dogs, two cats, a lizard, and cable/netflix. So if I do end up writing another post it will probably be about one of those topics.